Pauline Potter, My 600lb Life Star’s Weight Loss Transformation


Pauline Potter, who weighed more than 50 stones (700 lbs) and was reliant on a motorized scooter, has seen a miraculous metamorphosis, losing more than half of her body weight.

The My 600lb Life star, who challenged herself to gain 50 stone when her husband showed an interest in larger women, was shocked to learn that she had become the World’s Heaviest Living Woman and had been inducted into the Guinness Book of Records.

“I reasoned that if I reached out to them and made myself known, maybe someone could assist me. Pauline Potter, a TLC reality personality, broke the record in 2012 and said, “I was shocked when they got back to me to say I’d been recognized as the world’s fattest woman.”

Pauline Potter said that she was formerly fixated on her size, saying, “I used to love being big, but it went too far.” I can’t even stand up right now because it’s too tough. Before she started her weight loss quest, she said, “Someone has to pull my head while I rock myself into a standing position.”
